Rick Reuther

10410182_1637799626452742_4835256546962403553_nRick Reuther se narodil v Hamburgu a studuje na vídeňské škole Institut für Sprachkunst. Na projektech na rozhraní textu, zvuku, videa a performance spolupracoval mezi jinými s Danielou Seel, Christianem Filipsem a Ole Hübnerem. Jeho tvorba vyšla například v časopisech Edit či Block. Je redaktorem gestaltpdf.com, Babelsprech.org a spoluvydavatelem časopisu JENNY.


Rick Reuther was born in Hamburg, studies at the Institut für Sprachkunst Wien. He has collaborated on projects moving between text, sound, video and performance, for example with Daniela Seel, Christian Filips and Ole Hübner. His writing has appeared among others in Edit and Block. He is an editor of gestaltpdf.com, Babelsprech.org and a co-publisher of the magazine JENNY.